Ahoj, 25. září 2010 letíme společně s Jáňou do Afriky, konkrétně do Ugandy. Budeme tam nejspíš do konce května 2011 a tak jsme se rozhodli, že se o své zážitky s Vámi společně podělíme. Naše maily: tomas@ayky.cz, janakusnirova@seznam.cz
úterý 20. září 2011
Tomas na motorce v Africe
Ty vole to je vedro...
Oprava duše stála majland!!!
Skoro jsme tam strávili mládí, ale rychlejší jak v Čechách to nebylo
Zase jsme píchli, tentokrát domlovám teprve cenu
Na motorce je nutné mít pořádnou obuv
Tak ještě natankujem
Myčka na auta, ale i na motorky
Co to je?
Ty vole ten veze celej obývák
No jo!!!
...a tady zase dvě prasata, nebo čtyři?
Menší defekt , na cestách v Ugandě se neni čemu divit
Né, jsou tam jen dvě!!!
Hlavní třída
Mouka na kukuřičnou kaši asi tak na měsíc
Dvě kuřátka na nedělní hostinu
Sluší jim to né?
A tady veze pro změnu uhlí
neděle 3. července 2011
Thank´s Merutreks
In Tanzania, we drove across Serengeti and descended down to the crater floor of Ngorongoro. We were treated to memorable events... not only all those breath-taking views of endless plains, volcanos, deep valleys with its short green grass dotted with numerous herds, but above all, thrilling experience from rich encounters with the game and predators, watching them to hunt in wilderness……
These plain words can hardly compete with reality, with atmosphere we could be part of !
Its our turn to tell thanks to Meru Mountain Treks and Safaris company based in Arusha, to its managing director, Ibrahim Naseeb, who organised our trip. It was really pleasure to deal with this gentleman who listened to our ideas and plans with interest and combined it efficiently with his possibilities to make our dream happen !
Besides, if one gets into trouble of any kind we can be sure he will be readily helpful.
The last but not the least, once we became Ibrahim´s customers we had one overnight accommodation for free. It was very handy, actually, as it was located just around the corner from the Meru Treks office where all these safari trips were organised and started from. This family-run Monjes Hostel with very comfortable and neat rooms was of top quality by african standards.
We are happy to get to know Ibrahim and we are happy to recommend his service to all keen travellers, backpackers of any age who are ready to spend a few adventurous days and nights in african savanna and who dare to leave their comfort behind.
Good-bye Ibrahim and good luck ! We wish you plenty of satisfied customers and hope to meet up with you in future again !
These plain words can hardly compete with reality, with atmosphere we could be part of !
Its our turn to tell thanks to Meru Mountain Treks and Safaris company based in Arusha, to its managing director, Ibrahim Naseeb, who organised our trip. It was really pleasure to deal with this gentleman who listened to our ideas and plans with interest and combined it efficiently with his possibilities to make our dream happen !
Besides, if one gets into trouble of any kind we can be sure he will be readily helpful.
The last but not the least, once we became Ibrahim´s customers we had one overnight accommodation for free. It was very handy, actually, as it was located just around the corner from the Meru Treks office where all these safari trips were organised and started from. This family-run Monjes Hostel with very comfortable and neat rooms was of top quality by african standards.
We are happy to get to know Ibrahim and we are happy to recommend his service to all keen travellers, backpackers of any age who are ready to spend a few adventurous days and nights in african savanna and who dare to leave their comfort behind.
Good-bye Ibrahim and good luck ! We wish you plenty of satisfied customers and hope to meet up with you in future again !
sobota 2. července 2011
Thank´s MohaKinClimbers
26.3.2011 we booked into the climbing company, MohaKinClimbers, based in Nyanuki town, at the foothills of Mount Kenya National Park. Here we began our ´glorious´ ascent of the Peak Lenana ( 4985 m), along the Sirimone route. It was meant to be our personal achievement, challenge to face and overcome insidious traps of altitude sickness ! With many wise recommendations of our experienced mountain guide Sam and with the help of our other two companions, porters Alex and Eric, we finally made it to the top.
We summited this Lenana peak at around 6.00 am in the morning on 29th March. After 3 hours of walking with slow but steady pace on the steep slope of this majestic mountain covered with some fresh glistering snow, the moon and thousands of stars witnessed our struggle. These three hours of peaceful hiking in sacred silence of freezing night will always remain stick in our memory. We managed to reach the peak just couple of minutes before the sunrise, when we found ourselves and the surrounding peaks and ridges bathing in golden shine of african morning.
At this point we would also like to highlight how important role our guide and other two companions played for us.
Not only were they helpful especially to me ( Jana ), with carrying necessary thick warm winter clothes without which I would have surely frozen to death during the freezing nights at 4200 m at Shipton Hut....but first of all, Sam, Alex, Eric, they were all very good and friendly characters. People you wish to meet again, those who make your experience so memorable and worthy.
You remeber all the scenic views, fascinatingly beautiful nature, but first of all, these are the memories of kind companions you are happy to share your past stories with and to struggle for reaching the top.
We are grateful to Mohammed, the managing director of the MohaKinClimbers, who ´grabbed´ us on the street in Nyanuki, took us to his office and persuaded us that his company is the best for us. And the experience we brought from the Mountain proved he was right. He provided us with excellent service and we were confided to the best guides whose company we appreciated much. There is nothing left to say, only that the MohaKinClimbers company is worthy recommending.
Good luck for you, Sam, Alex, Eric, Mohammed... all the best !
We summited this Lenana peak at around 6.00 am in the morning on 29th March. After 3 hours of walking with slow but steady pace on the steep slope of this majestic mountain covered with some fresh glistering snow, the moon and thousands of stars witnessed our struggle. These three hours of peaceful hiking in sacred silence of freezing night will always remain stick in our memory. We managed to reach the peak just couple of minutes before the sunrise, when we found ourselves and the surrounding peaks and ridges bathing in golden shine of african morning.
At this point we would also like to highlight how important role our guide and other two companions played for us.
Not only were they helpful especially to me ( Jana ), with carrying necessary thick warm winter clothes without which I would have surely frozen to death during the freezing nights at 4200 m at Shipton Hut....but first of all, Sam, Alex, Eric, they were all very good and friendly characters. People you wish to meet again, those who make your experience so memorable and worthy.
You remeber all the scenic views, fascinatingly beautiful nature, but first of all, these are the memories of kind companions you are happy to share your past stories with and to struggle for reaching the top.
We are grateful to Mohammed, the managing director of the MohaKinClimbers, who ´grabbed´ us on the street in Nyanuki, took us to his office and persuaded us that his company is the best for us. And the experience we brought from the Mountain proved he was right. He provided us with excellent service and we were confided to the best guides whose company we appreciated much. There is nothing left to say, only that the MohaKinClimbers company is worthy recommending.
Good luck for you, Sam, Alex, Eric, Mohammed... all the best !
sobota 25. června 2011
úterý 24. května 2011
Nemocnice v Buikwe
Malé ohlédnutí do Buikwe v Ugandě. Nemocnice, kde pracují a hlavně pomáhají čeští doktoři.
středa 4. května 2011
Výlet do Rwandy
Výlet do Rwandy nebyl nijak dlouhý. Půjčili jsme si auto na 4 dni, které se pak kvůli problémům na hranicích ohledně víz protáhly na 6 dní. Paradoxně jsme si jeli prodloužit ugandské vízum, což se nám ale nepodařilo. Cílem cesty byla Kigaya u Jezera Kivu, kde mají projekt opět Slováci a Universita Sv. Alžběty. Staví zde kliniku pro nejchudší obyvatele z hor.
Takže dobrodružství již začalo na hranicích , kde jsme trpělivě po africku čekali, až se africký celník dobře naladí a pustí nás do země zaslíbené. Rwanda je opravdu krásná. Né nadarmo se jí říká země tisíce hor. Již od hranic jsme čuměli, co to tady žije za kmen. Něco tady nehrálo. Lidé chodili po chodnících, všude byl pořádek. Nikde žádné petky. V supermarketech byly pouze papírové tašky. Lidé na autobusy stáli ve vyrovnaných frontách. Diktátorská ruka je tady holt znát. Trochu jsme ale v té euforii zapomněli na mapku. Říkali jsme si, že Rwanda je malá a že se tam nedá ztratit, přesto se nám ani do večera nepodařilo dorazit na místo určení.
Ksakru nebyli jsme tady už někdy? |
Ostrov byl jak z pohádky, ryby do nás padaly jak po másle a při volejbale jsem zjistil, že i v Africe jsou kmeny, který ten volejbal hrají podle pravidel.
Další den jsme se šli projít okolo jezera. Asi ani neni možné ve Rwandě nenarazit na jeden z památníků na genocidu, která zde probíhala 1994. Vymlátili zde na 800 000 lidí za tři měsíce. Tu písničku co je k videu jsem ukradl z filmu Hotel Rwanda. Mně se líbila.
No neni to nádhera!!!
No a večery jsme zakončovali v místní putice se zdejším pivem Mützik a grilovanou kozou na špízu. U piva pozor na výslovnost.
pondělí 2. května 2011
neděle 10. dubna 2011
Pec na chleba Uganda St. Lwanga Malongwe institut
Vybudování základu + vyzdění pár šichet z cihel a nutné zakrytí proti slunci |
Na základových cihlách jsme zhotovili betonovou desku ještě před započetím stavby samotné pece. A pak už jen vrstva po vrstvě, den po dni přibývaly šichty z kvaltních ugandských cihel a hlíny. |
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Při práci kontroloval kde kdo. Hlavně stále nikdo nechápal, kde se bude topit a kam se bude dávat chleba. |
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Vstupní otvor už se také začal rýsovat |
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Vnitřek pece vymazávali tzv. mazači |
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Při tradičním obědě - kukuřičná hmota, fazole a rozmašlovaný banány si promýšlím recepty na křupavej chlebíček |
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Už jen kousek komínu |
A je to i s fasádou
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Tak a je to... finální podoba pece na chleba |
1. zažehnutí
1. kvásek
Vytemperovat pec na potřebnou teplotu dá nejvíc zabrat
Studentky se předhánějí v hnětení těsta
Pletení housek na známky
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Tak a už se peče |
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